Good Morning in Different Languages

Speaking words in Different Languages

Good Morning in Different Languages

Let's face it; being able to speak multiple languages would be really cool.


How to say Good Morning in different languages

Language Ways to say Good morning
Albanian Miremengjes
Basque Egun on
Belarusian Добрай раніцы
Bosnian Dobro jutro
Bulgarian Добро утро
Catalan Bon dia
Croatian Dobro jutro
Czech Dobré ráno
Danish Godmorgen
Dutch Goedemorgen
Estonian Tere hommikust
Finnish Huomenta
French Bonjour
Galician Bos días
German Guten Morgen
Greek Καλημέρα
Hungarian Jó reggelt
Icelandic Góðan dag
Irish Maidin mhaith
Italian Buongiorno
Latvian Labrīt
Lithuanian Labas rytas
Macedonian Добро утро
Maltese Bongu
Norwegian God morgen
Polish Dzień dobry
Portuguese Bom Dia
Romanian Bună dimineața
Russian Доброе утро
Serbian Добро јутро
Slovak Dobré ráno
Slovenian Dobro jutro
Spanish Buenos días
Swedish God morgon
Ukrainian Добрий ранок
Welsh Bore da
Yiddish אַ גוטנ מאָרגן

Good Morning in Different Languages

Comprehensive list of synonyms for speaking or translating other languages, able to speak several different languages well ... - Now is the time to do it.